Declaration of Love " You gave me life, you fed and nutured me asking nothing in return"
It is about time we understood that this lady really loves us, she has sacrificed a lot to give us existence. It is distressing to see that some us cannot perceive the magnitude of that gift.
Self-interest is rampart among some of the fortunate failing to remember the source of their welfare. The tendency of turning ones back on the less fortunate: who have given support throughout, is so apparent that one accepts it as a way of life.
The less fortunates worth rest in as much as they can give, once that has been exploited and there is nothing more but an empty shell they become expendable. There is no fairness because there has never been a need to speak up during the naturing process, the people that should have spoken up have become egoistic.
I can´t be happy as long as my nearest and closest live in poverty, how can I take pleasure in the life I have aquired when 50 meters away or those that gave me life are living in misery and dejection brought about by poverty?
I applause the initiativ our government has taken in fighting corruption and ineffectiveness in Tanzania because this takes the sap out of the honest efforts of some who could and would have made a difference.
There are many working tirelessly, selflessly trying to make a difference but their efforts are overshadowed by those who have put into system a process of self-gratification at the costs of those less fortunate. They settle for substandards so long as they move up, they tear down institutions so long as they personally benefit from it.
How can we lift standards if the core is rotten? How can we justify decisions if they are based on inequality and how can we become role models if what we do isn´t what we preach and vice versa.
You gave me life and love, you nurtured me, you made it possible for me to go to school. There is so much good you gave. I want to return the favour. I also want to tell you that I love you, I always have. My Tanzania.